
S1 Aerospace Engineering
Names of group members :
  1. Ariabima (180102019)
  2. Redi Firmansyah (180102017)
  3. Moh. Afif Fikri (180102024)

  1. Introduction
Innovation is needed in a business.  Product innovation is one of the important factors in the success of a company through innovative products that I created to satisfy customers.  Because the key to product success is the product is able to adapt to changes that occur.
Product innovation is something that can be seen as a functional advancement of a product that can bring products a step ahead of competing products.  If the product has advantages that are seen as added value for consumers.  More effective new and strategic product innovation often determines the success and survival of a company.
And here our group innovates used bottles into piggy banks.  We use materials from used bottles because they aim to reduce plastic waste on the earth.  So that we innovate to become an item that is useful for all people.

  1. Formulation of the problem
The author identifies the problem as follows:
 1. How is the product innovated?
 2. How are producers competitiveness?
 3. How much influence does the innovation of the goods have on consumers' purchasing power?

  1. Goals and benefits
The purpose of making innovations (piggy banks from used plastic bottles) is:
 - To reduce plastic waste on earth
 - To make useless items into goods that can be used again
 - To expand knowledge.

  1. How to use 
How do you use the piggy bank?  The method is quite easy, just by entering the money that will be saved through the hole provided.  Then the money will be stored in the piggy bank.

  1. Cover
  • Conclusion :
Based on the data above, we can conclude that goods innovation activities are very beneficial for students or for other communities.  Innovating goods is also a means to hone skills especially in terms of practices where they can learn more broadly in the world of work and as a venue to train students to be responsible and professional young people.

  • Suggestion :
  1. First master the theory before carrying out activities
  2. Prioritize work safety
  3. Use the best time possible
  4. Never feel satisfied with the results achieved


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